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Control M: Show screen

This section details functionality of the show screen.
Using the show screen can help you quickly find jobs and analyze situations.
Typing ‘S’ at the command line will bring up the show screen box.
You will see in the middle 3 columns of different states jobs can be in.  Setting
them to Y or N will allow you to control what you see.

Some of the other fields that you can use.
 (Remember – these fields are useful, but also rely on what you fields you have flagged Y or N
in the 3 columns in the middle)
MEMNAME – Type in a jobname or prefix (no *, only leading characters allowed)
GROUP – group id, as defined within the job.  ex. having XB – will show jobs with groupid XB only.
TASK TYPE – 10 different task types with Y/N flags, allows you to see specific types.
                        ex – to see only started tasks that run in CTM, have STC as a Y, all others N.
RES NAME – Resource name – type in any resource name or prefix (again, no wildcard and only leading
                        characters allowed).
        This includes IN/OUT conditions, CONTROL , any type of RESOURCE such as INITS or others.
        A good use of this feature is a fool-proof way to find out exactly what is waiting on a particular job.
        Take the OUT conditions of a particular job, paste them into this RES NAME field (you can do 2 at a
         time) and ensure you have no other limitations in the show screen (all flags set to Y)


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