? (WHY) Displays what a job is
waiting on. This shows only what a job
is currently waiting on at that
It will not show conditions that have already been met, and, certain
requirements may change.
ex – you may check a job and it is waiting on
a certain job/in-condition one minute.
you check 5 minutes
later and the in/condition may have
been met, but it now is waiting on an INIT.
Also, within this screen, you can add an
this. It should
only be used when you are ABSOLUTELY SURE
that you want to add this condition as it will add it for
any job on the schedule looking for it- and
any other job looking for it on that day.
(log) Displays IOA log entries for that job.
H (hold) Puts job in held
status. A job held will not change
states until it is freed. For example,
if a job
is executing is held, even though the
job ends, Control M will not change it’s state to ENDED until
the job is freed. Also, a job that is held (even one ended-ok)
will never leave the AJF until it is freed.
(zoom) Dispays schedule definition attributes for that job. You can also change most of the attributes
defined here, but the job must be held
first. After making changes, type save
at the top, and then you
must free the job. See more detail on the Zoom screen
(rerun) Performs rerun on job, will bring up confirmation and rerun
option box.
A couple of the options you have in
the rerun box are picking the steps to run from(start job from this
step) and to (only run to this
step-NEVER USE). Also, you can tell CTR
to ignore condition and
abend codes from previous steps. This is only to be used at discretion of
(activate) Activates a job that is in DISAPPEARED or FAILED –REASON
UNKNOWN status. Rarely if ever used.
(force ok) Sets job to ENDED OK
status without submitting job. Remember,
you are telling CTM that this job has ended ok, and it will post it’s
(view) View archived sysout(s) for job.
You can used this for any job that has ended (ok or not).
(net) Displays network of job.
Remember your network is reliant on your SHOW setup. If your current show screen has a prefix of
one job, that one job is all you will see, or if you have ‘ended ok’ flagged as
you won’t
any jobs that ended ok within that network of jobs.
(delete) Deletes entry (entry must be held) Remember to check if a job has
dependencies. If it does, it should not
be deleted without first accounting for those dependent jobs.
(free) Frees held entry
S (stats) Displays run stats for
entry. Stats goes back 20 runs (not 20
days, but 20 runs, if a job runs 5x’s a day, you will see about 4 days worth of
stats.) Stats include start/end time,
duration, and average run time on top.
U (undelete) returns deleted job to
it’s status prior to delete request
J (jcl edit) brings up jcl member from the
overlib library – only used on jobs that are abended and have jobs in the RERUN
C (confirm) confirms job (only used
on jobs that are in WAIT CONFIRMATION state
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