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Control M : IOA Primary Option Menu

IOA Primary Option Menu                                               =======================                                               The IOA Primary Option menu is the primary interface to functions     available under the various INCONTROL products.  1    MAIN MENU       Redisplay the IOA Primary Option menu.                                                   4    COND/RES         Display and update status of the IOA Conditions file and CONTROL-M Resources file.                                                                            5    LOG              View audit trail information on jobs, missions, and rules scheduled under the            supervision of INCONTROLproducts.                                                                                        6   TSO             Perform TSO commands.                                                                                                      

Control M: IOA Log

The IOA log details activity within Control-M, Control-D, and Control-O (if it is interacting with M & D). Fields  DATE/TIME – Denotes system date/time event occurred. ODATE – Denotes ODAT of job,mission,condition, etc that event was affiliated with. USERID – Denotes owner/userid that event originated from.   Could be tso user, Control-M,D,or O, owner id of job/mission, etc. CODE – IOA system code of event.   Can be looked up in quickref for detailed information. MESSAGE – text of message/event. The IOA log can be used in a very basic way – find out who/what took action on a job, such a hold, change, rerun, force ok, etc. It can be used to see when or by who certain conditions were added.   Conditions added by jobs or missions will not show here, but those added by Control-O, a user, or other outside resource. For jobs that fail with a NOT SUBMITTED reason, the IOA log will be where you will find the reason/error why if failed. Similarly, when

Control M: Show screen

This section details functionality of the show screen. Using the show screen can help you quickly find jobs and analyze situations. Typing ‘S’ at the command line will bring up the show screen box. You will see in the middle 3 columns of different states jobs can be in.   Setting them to Y or N will allow you to control what you see. Some of the other fields that you can use.   (Remember – these fields are useful, but also rely on what you fields you have flagged Y or N in the 3 columns in the middle) MEMNAME – Type in a jobname or prefix (no *, only leading characters allowed) GROUP – group id, as defined within the job.   ex. having XB – will show jobs with groupid XB only. TASK TYPE – 10 different task types with Y/N flags, allows you to see specific types.                         ex – to see only started tasks that run in CTM, have STC as a Y, all others N. RES NAME – Resource name – type in any resource name or prefix (again, no wildcard an

Control M: Zoom Screen

This section breaks down the various fields you see within a job using the Zoom command.    Many of the fields within the zoom     screen can be altered.   There a few (they will show a different color) that cannot.   To make any changes, a job must be in a HELD     state before zooming, then when in the zoom screen make the changes and type SAVE at the command line.   Remember to FREE     the job when you are satisfied with your change.   Type CANCEL instead of SAVE if you don’t want your changes to be saved. MEMNAME – schedule member name, should be same as jobname. MEMLIB – denotes where CTM will scan for jcl, standard is GENERAL, which will default to the                     predefined concatenation.   An entry of DUMMY indicates a dummy job, or one that will not execute jcl.   These                    are used as schedule placeholders.   OWNER – owner id of job. TASKTYPE – JOB – batch job, STC – started task, GRP – group entry, CYC – cyclical job o

Control M : Commands entered against a job or task

  ? (WHY) Displays what a job is waiting on.    This shows only what a job is currently waiting on at that          time.    It will not show conditions that have already been met, and, certain requirements may change.   ex – you may check a job and it is waiting on a certain job/in-condition one minute.   you check 5 minutes          later and the in/condition may have been met, but it now is waiting on an INIT.       Also, within this screen, you can add an IN-CONDITION.   USE CAUTION when doing this.   It should     only be used when you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that you want to add this condition as it will add it for     any job on the schedule looking for it- and any other job looking for it on that day. L   (log) Displays IOA log entries for that job.   H (hold) Puts job in held status.   A job held will not change states until it is freed.   For example, if a job         is executing is held, even though the job ends, Control M will not change it’s sta

Control M: Active Jobs screen AJF

OPTION 3 - ACTIVE JOBS SCREEN  This screen lists all the jobs on the ‘ACTIVE SCHEDULE’.   Jobs are listed in this screen in the order they are forced out.   Jobs are loaded in one of two ways.   Schedule load jobs run after midnight and will load any jobs scheduled to run that day.   Also, many jobs are forced onto the schedule throughout the day, either manually by the OTA’s or prod svcs, via some form of automation such as a Control-O rule, an existing job on the AJF, or SYSD. Jobs will remain on this screen until they meet conditions to be ‘rolled off’.   Jobs that are ENDED OK, will roll off with the next schedule load.    Jobs that are in are in some form of ENDED NOT OK or WAIT SCHEDULE will remain on the schedule for a standard of 3 days.   Jobs that are in a HELD state will never roll off until released, jobs that are active or in an EXECUTING state also will not roll off unti