TSO : It stands for Time Sharing Option . It provides command-line-interface to zOS. It fulfills the similar purpose to Unix login session. Time sharing means many persons can access the operating system concurrently. TSO commands can be embedded in REXX execs or CLIST, which run interactively or in batch. It provides a text editor, batch job support and debuggers. It provides facility to submit job and store datasets via computer's operating system TSO Login Screen ISPF : It stands for Interactive System Productivity Facility . It is frequently used to manipulate z/OS datasets. It provides terminal interface with a set of panels. ISPF Sceen ISPF FUNCTION KEYS PF 1 = Help PF 2 = Split the session PF 3 = End PF 4 = Return PF 5 = Rfind (repeat last find) PF 6 = Rchange (repeat lst change) PF 7 = Move Backward PF 8 = Move forward PF 9 = Switch between screens during a split session; goes with PF 2 PF 10 = Move left PF 11 ...
This blog is all about Mainframe Application Support,Batch Execution Batch Scheduling, Batch Optimization, Batch Standard Consulting, Production deployment, Test component deployment, Mid range Transition Process Automation and CA7 cleanup